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Portfolio Description

Natural Actions and Movements:

Fully Free-Roam and Wireless Technology


The AVRT platform is built on reliable, self-contained consumer technology to avoid the need for costly custom-built VR hardware. Wireless hardware allows for natural movements and actions on a completely free-roam tracking area. Officers can train in standard tactical kit, greatly reducing the potential for training scars.

This approach results in virtually zero adaption time for trainees, leaving them to focus on the learning outcomes.

Train Anywhere, Anytime:

Fully Configurable and Scalable Training Environment

The AVRT free-roam tracking system uses a fully configurable training area and can be set up in any reasonably-sized open space. The tracking area can be scaled to any size to suit the training requirement with no impact on tracking effectiveness. The AVRT system is fully portable, giving greater flexibility to training programmes. Any venue can be a training venue so Officers can train in operational locations and be ready to go when duty requires it.


Train with Familiar Equipment:

Simulated real-feel weapons and hardware

Added to the VR hardware is industry-leading technology in the form of custom weapons and active real-world props based on firearms, less-lethal weapons and equipment that are in use around the world. Virtually any weapon can be built into the platform. These include Carbine and Pistol weapons as well as less-lethal devices such as Conducted Energy Weapons and Pava/CS. Weapon use is intuitive, gives haptic feedback to the user and can be holstered into existing tactical equipment to give a more natural training experience.

Exceptional After-Action Reviews:

Detailed Full 3D and First-Person replays

Scenarios can be viewed from the Officer’s perspective so that the trainer and the rest of the training group can see exactly what was seen at the time the action was taken. The whole training session can be recorded for review later if the organisation requires this. Replays can be reviewed from any perspective within the scenario using a free-roaming camera. Advanced metrics display shot placement, distances, reaction times and Officer biometric data throughout the training scenario and replay.

The project to develop the AVRT platform started in late 2017. The various iterations of the AVRT platform have been demonstrated to over 60% of the UK’s Police Firearms organisations over the 18 month development phase and oversight organisations such as the College of Policing have also been consulted on the development. The AVRT system is designed to manage any kind of scenario or decision-based training with an initial focus on armed confrontation for Police officers and similar roles.

With the AVRT unique free-roam system, the officer moves freely around which defines their position in the simulator. The weapon manages all actions and inputs into the scenario and should feel realistic to the officer in the system. This mix of the virtual and physical worlds is relatively new to the commercial market.

The system allows full interactivity with the scenario characters – within the realistic 3D environments, using the fully dynamic scenarios, an instructor can role-play against a user to really test their responses to a given situation.

AVRT Showcase Video